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Trends and predictions for 2015 that will impact on data centers

By reading the latest reports and content from the world’s leading data center industry commentators like Mikle Allen, Rich Miller,Yevgeniy Sverdlikor Meredith Courtemanche and you can start to see some common themes occurring.

Themes that will continue to have large impacts in the data center industry and how the modular approach is central to accommodating these rapid changes.

For Datapod, we have identified five key factors that will impact on the data center industry and how modular data centers providers like Datapod will be key to delivering goods and services in an increasingly connected world.

1. Internet of Things (IoT)

Defined as the interconnection of uniquely identifiable embedded computing devices within the existing Internet infrastructure by Wikipedia, IoT is expected to offer advanced connectivity of devices, systems, and services, everything from smart light bulbs that can be controlled from a hand device to devices that have recognition capability and perform automated task when triggered.

The IoT of things is expected to continue to grow during 2015 with some researchers predicting the planet will have over 30 billion connected end-points by 2020.

This will have a massive impact on data centers with the need to process and store data on scales never experienced before in human history.

This will have a profound impact on data center infrastructure. Speed to deployment and scalability will be key to a successful data center strategy as demand of IoT products increase.

2. Demand for greener data centers

Data centers have traditionally been large consumers of energy and in 2015 the data center industry will continue to push the environmental boundaries in energy efficiency.

Whether it is spurred on by an organisations environmental policy, through NABERS Ratings or by Greenpeace monitoring and ‘outing’ inefficient data centers, CIO’s and Data Center Managers are looking for the most environmentally friendly data center solutions in the market.

Modular data centers are at the heart of providing a reliable and sustainable solution.

Scalability, reduced (and in some cases zero) water consumption, recyclability, energy efficiency are the hallmarks of the Datapod modular data center system and provide a quality solution for organisations looking to make serious headway in this space. By 2015, global investment in energy-efficient data center technologies will represent 28% of the $150 billion data center infrastructure market, according to Pike Research.

3. Internet Traffic

Writer David Russell Schilling from Industry Tap Into News  suggests human knowledge is doubling every 12 months, on top of humans being visual creatures, and commentators predicting by 2015 91% of the over five zettabytes (1ZB= 10007bytes = 1021bytes = 1000000000000000000000bytes) data center traffic will be video content, including HD and 3D video.

This unprecedented demand places incredible pressure on CIO’s and data center managers and the strategies they need to have in place. Gone are the days of building a bricks and mortar data center and expecting the facility to last for 20 years.

Increased internet traffic and the subsequent demand means data center strategies need to employ a range of approaches including visualisation (software defined), automation, and scalability. As a leading modular data center solution Datapod is well positioned to provide expertise to organisations looking for a flexible solution.

4. Private and public cloud

Cloud will continue to be a way for organisations to drive productivity and efficiency and a way for end consumers to more easily store and interact with products and other users.

Some of the statistics from the recent Cloud Index Report from Cisco include:

  • In 2015, 70% of all workloads will be processed in cloud data centers.
  • Cloud data center traffic will increase 4X faster than traditional data center traffic.
  • Public cloud workload growth rate will be 50% higher than its private counterpart.
  • By 2018, 53% (2 billion) of the consumer Internet population will use personal cloud storage, up from 38% (922 million) in 2013.
  • Globally, consumer cloud storage traffic per user will be 811 MB per month by 2018, compared to 186 MB per month in 2013.

Demand for cloud and the way customers use the cloud will place high demands on the physical data center responsible for the processing and storage of the cloud based services.

Whether private or public the modular data center approach is key to delivering on cloud demand. The short time to deployment and scalable nature of a modular data center system means cloud providers can scale up their infrastructure in real time.

5. Consolidation of modular data center providers

Schneider Electric signalled its intentions to capture a larger share of the modular data center market in 2014 by acquiring AST Modular.

It is expected 2015 will see a further consolidation of the modular date center industry as companies position themselves for a share of a market, which is predicted by Markets and Markets, to be worth $40 billion industry by 2018.

With an established partner network worldwide Datapod is able to deploy modular data center solutions to locations around the world. Outside of acquisitions, enhancing partnerships and broadening global networks will be key to success in 2015.

There is no doubt 2015 will be an exciting year in the modular data center industry with advances in technology and the way people consume online content key to driving the modular data center industry.

But as everything seems to change right before our eyes, one thing will remain constant in 2015 – Datapod’s unwavering commitment to our customers by providing class leading modular data center solutions.

We have told you our predictions for 2015 – now it is your turn.